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Nicki Minaj announces charity 'for student loans,' 'tuition payments'

(ABC News) -- After Nicki Minaj went on a charity spree to help fans pay off their education expenses last week, the pop star now says she’s expanding her giving with the creation of a new charity for students in need.

Minaj, whose birth name is Onika Maraj, announced her plans for the charity on Instagram. It was accompanied by a screenshot that seemingly proved the rapper has begun payments to students.

ABC News reached out to a rep for Minaj to confirm the payments, but so far has not received a response.

The Queens-bred rapper wrote in a caption: "This makes me so happy. [A few from the other day] I'll do another impromptu payment spree in a month or 2 but pls know that I'm launching my official charity for Student Loans/Tuition Payments VERY SOON!"

"You'll be able to officially sign up!" Minaj added. "I'll keep you posted!"

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On May 7, the 34-year-old rapper took to Twitter to offer to pay educational expenses for a handful of her followers after conducting a contest in which fans could join the rapper at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas on May 21.

That's when one fan suggested that instead the "Starships" singer pay their college tuition -- and Minaj agreed.

"Show me straight A's that I can verify w/ur school and I'll pay it. Who wants to join THAT contest?!?! Dead serious. Shld I set it up?" she tweeted.

Minaj then offered to help a dozen fans with their college tuition and student loan payments. She also agreed to help with books, supplies and other school fees.

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