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Can't get together in person? We're here to help you #SendTheLove!

We know people can't get together with family and friends because of social distancing. You still can #SendTheLove. Here's how to do it with a picture or video.

NORFOLK, Va. — If there's one thing we know, coronavirus has affected everyone in one way or another. The social distancing, alone, means that people can't get together for special events or just to hang out with family and friends.

There's a lot of love out there, though, so let's get sending it!

#SendTheLove is a way for all of us to share positive messages with people whom we can't see in person right now.

Parents celebrating an anniversary?...


Best friend having a birthday?...


Just missing someone in your life?...


You get the idea. (You also can share a great, uplifting message with everyone instead of someone specific.)

Credit: 13News Now

Now, here's how to do it:

  • Take a picture or shoot a little video. 
  • Text pictures to us at 757.628.6200.
  • Upload videos using this form.
  • Be sure to include who you are, to whom your sending the love, and what your message to the person/people are.

You'll find pictures here, and we'll be showing them during our newscasts on 13News Now!

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