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Hundreds of people gather to celebrate America's freedom in colonial Williamsburg

Crowds came out to hear a live reading of the Declaration of Independence on Thursday.

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — Even though temperatures were burning up outside, hundreds came out to Colonial Williamsburg to celebrate America’s freedom on Thursday. 

People went out to watch a live reading of the Declaration of Independence by actors. Colonial Williamsburg creative director Bill Schermerhorn said that he’s proud so many people showed up.

“We all come together as a nation to celebrate the 234th anniversary of the United States of America, so nothing could be better than that here in Colonial Williamsburg,” said Schermerhorn. 

He said that it’s wonderful so many people listened to our country’s history.

“It’s a living document and the crowds around them, as they spoke, they really listened, and they cheered, and they booed. It’s living history,” said Schermerhorn. 

Colonial Williamsburg actress Mary Carver said the holiday makes her realize our country’s potential.

“I’m proud to be a citizen of this nation because there’s work to do and I, as a citizen, I am able to do that work and participate. Fourth of July is a celebratory event. We created this country and we built it from that point on, and today the work continues, making this country what we want it to be,” said Carter. 

Congresswoman Elaine Luria spoke to the crowd and recognized those who serve in our armed forces.

“I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the millions of Americans who continue to sacrifice each day, so we can enjoy our democracy,” said Luria. 

Among the people in the crowd honoring our heroes and listening to the Declaration of Independence was Ghislain D’humieres, who was celebrating his first Fourth of July as a U.S. citizen. D’humieres said he was proud of America and our freedom.

“To really believe in that freedom, and really find a place where people can be free. It’s very exciting, it’s very unique,” said D’humieres. 

D’humieres said that when he became a citizen he was given a flag, and he will never forget it.

“While I was swearing allegiance to the flag, they managed to fold it and give it to me. And I will keep that for the rest of my life, that’s really wonderful,” said D’humieres.

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