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Colonial Williamsburg to begin brickmaking

The historic tradesmen will burn about 20,000 bricks for the reconstruction of the James Anderson Blacksmith and Public Armoury and other projects.

WILLIAMSBURG (AP) -- Brick makers at Colonial Williamsburg are preparing to fire up the kiln to make bricks to be used in reconstruction and restoration projects throughout the historic area.

The historic tradesmen will burn about 20,000 bricks for the reconstruction of the James Anderson Blacksmith and Public Armoury and other projects.

The reconstruction plan recreates the industrial complex owned and operated by James Anderson. He was appointed public armourer in 1776 by the General Assembly of Virginia.

Officials say firing the kiln is a 24-hour operation as the fires are fueled day and night. The kiln typically produces three grades of brick, distinguishable by color.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation operates and maintains the preserved 18th century site as an educational and tourist venue. Its current brickmaking program began in 1987.

AP-WF-11-10-12 1815GMT

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