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Newport News American Legion Post 25 lays flags at veterans' graves

This is a tradition for the group, and it asks for the community to help out.


Newport News’ American Legion Post 25 kept up its tradition of asking the community to help lay flags on veteran graves throughout the city Saturday morning. 

The organization, with the help of volunteers, visited Greenlawn Memorial, Pleasant Shade and Peninsula Memorial Cemeteries.  

Alexa Morgan, along with her husband and two kids, weaved through Greenlawn Memorial. 

 “It is important to gather with family, and I know a lot of people like to grill out, but just remember the true meaning of Memorial Day," Morgan told 13News Now. 

Morgan is a reservist and her husband is active duty. She said she thought it was especially important to bring her daughter along. 

“She can come out and help support the community and remember all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives,” she explained. 

American Legion organizers Chris Garcia and Gary Gandee took note of each veteran's grave they passed. 

“For us veterans, this is to us like the holiest weekend of the entire year," said Garcia

“It’s a day more of silence to respect our past veterans," added Gandee. 

Garcia is Post 25’s historian. He pointed out the historic significance of Greenlawn, which has operated since 1888. It’s home to the grave of Newport News resident Marie Garrow Moss. 

“This is probably one of the most significant graves here,” said Garcia. “She was a ‘hello girl’ in World War I, so a telephone operator for the signal corps. [It was] the first time women were recruited by the Army to do anything other than medical work.” 

Garcia said the history of graves like Moss' emphasizes the need to remember our fallen. 

He said, “These are our comrades from previous generations, and we keep a sacred faith to them.” 

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