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Gabby Douglas' friends and family in Hampton Roads beaming with pride

Around Hampton Roads, friends, family, and fans of gymnast Gabby Douglas were excited since she was part of the US Olympic Gymnastics team that won a gold medal.

CHESAPEAKE -- Gabby Douglas has made the entire country proud.

Gabby grew up in Virginia Beach and honed her gymnastics skills there.

Gabby's grandmother works in Norfolk and is attending the Olympics. Her aunt Phyllis lives in Chesapeake where the family gathered to share their excitement after their Gabby helped win a gold medal for the U.S.

'Today, the whole week, has just been awesome wonderful,' said Phyllis Jemmott. 'I don't even know how to describe it. We are so so proud of her, so, so proud of her!'

Gabby Douglas' name is getting well-known around the country and in Hampton Roads.

'It's a wonderful thing. It's just good to see young people really into what they really like to do and succeeding at it!' said Veronica Holley, a fan of Gabby Douglas.

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