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Crowds begin to arrive at the Oceanfront for Memorial Day weekend, despite rainy start

Friday began overcast with some showers around noon, driving some visitors inside. The sun came back later in the afternoon and brought beachgoers with it.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Memorial Day weekend marks of the unofficial start of summer and the crowds are starting to come out at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront.

Friday began overcast with some showers around noon, driving some visitors inside. 

"It's a little wet out here, but that doesn't stop us," said one couple driving past on their bikes.

Families like Tacora Little's were determined to enjoy the day, no matter the weather.

"You at the beach, don't let the rain stop you!"

She's in town visiting family for the holiday weekend and Friday was their only day at the beach

"I couldn’t let them down I just had to take my girls to the beach and let them enjoy," Little said.

Weather permitting, the Memorial Day weekend salute to summer kicks off at 7:00 p.m. Friday night with music at 17th and 24th Street parks. If you can’t make it, don’t worry, the music continues all weekend long and runs until 11:00 p.m.

Also happening this weekend is the 2024 Steel Pier Classic at the 1st Street Jetty.

The sun came back out around 2:00 Friday afternoon and so did the beachgoers.

Andre and Stephanie Gardner say it’s a tradition to travel to the Oceanfront every year for Memorial Day weekend to enjoy it all, no matter the weather.

"As they say, Virginia is for lovers and I always love just coming here. It’s a great atmosphere, the people are friendly and the sights are beautiful," said Andre. "Just looking forward to happy times."

Jeff Hague, owner of Ocean Eddie’s, says for them, the summer season started a few weeks ago.

"As soon as the weather gets nice, we are busy. Two weekends ago it was like July 4th busy," said Hague. 

He said we're now at a point where bad weather won't stop people from heading to the Oceanfront.

Once the season kicks in, the weather isn’t too much of a factor because the people are here and, actually in the summertime, if it rains during the day, it drives more people inside, so we actually have a busier lunch than we normally would," he said. "I think it’s going to be a good season. We’ve just got that vibe that people want to get out and about and enjoy the Oceanfront."

Now visitors, and locals, are hoping the rain holds off the rest of the weekend.

If you’re heading out to the Oceanfront, it’s important to listen to the lifeguards and stay alert if you plan to get in the water. There will be between 60 to 75 lifeguards working this weekend.

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