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Consumer habits are changing, and not always for the worse

While many small businesses have suffered, others have surged in the time of social distancing

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — Initially, it seemed as though Bob Harrell and his shop, Play It Again Sports in Newport News, would go the way of so many other small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. 

"I dropped sales drastically," said Harrell, as spring sports cancellations cut into his typical business.

Then, came a surging new revenue stream and a business recovery. 

"Fitness is really our lifeline right now, actually. If it weren't for that, we'd really be upside down." 

As people have been forced inside, the demand for in-home exercise equipment has spiked. The sales have been enough to offset other losses for Harrell. 

Other industries are experiencing similar surges. Butchers for example, as grocery stores run low on meat. 

House cleaning services, gun shops, and alcohol distributors have all seen revenue growth. 

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