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Virginia Beach Fishing Pier reopening delayed, set to open later in April

Repairs are underway after a man drove off the pier in late January; a plan is tentatively set to re-open the pier later this month.
Credit: Dana Smith

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The re-opening of the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier was set tentatively for April 1 but has been delayed according to a spokesperson for the pier.

"The rain from last week slowed us down; we look forward to opening in the month of April. I will definitely let you know as we get closer,” said D. Nachnani, a spokesman with the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier. "It's something we want to do both safely and thoughtfully."

In late January, a 57-year-old man drove off the pier in an incident that was captured on video and shocked countless people across Hampton Roads and the nation. 

RELATED: Virginia Beach police confirm, but won't share, identity of man who drove off pier

The vehicle was recovered from the Atlantic Ocean nearly a week later, on Feb. 2. On that day, officials confirmed the vehicle was a red Nissan Kicks and had one person inside.

In the days that followed the crash, recovery efforts were hampered by poor water conditions. To help with recovery, the Portsmouth-based private contractor Crofton Industries stepped in, bringing a salvage barge, along with professional salvage divers to try to recover the vehicle.

Since that day a small memorial has grown beside the pier, as crews work on repairing the pier.

"I know the pier owners are actively working with the City of Virginia Beach's permitting department and they are trying their best to get the pier open so that it is safe and welcoming," Nachnani said.

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